
We are looking for other like-minded, committed, hard working, energetic people to share our land and way of life with. We are hoping that by sharing our knowledge and skills, as well as our land, we will create a healthy, vibrant homesteading community. A collaborative, long-term arrangement is a possibility for the right person or family. Ultimately, we would like to see a land succession model that allows us to age in place on our homestead while providing an opportunity for new people interested in this type of lifestyle to access land more affordably.

About the Opportunity

We have retired and hope to live the remainder of our lives on our land while seeing the homestead develop with a successional plan in place. We feel that this property has the potential to support more than one family, and we would be happy to share our way of life with other like-minded, committed, hard working, energetic people. We are hoping that by sharing our knowledge and skills, as well as our land, we will create a healthy, vibrant homesteading community and provide an opportunity for new people interested in this type of lifestyle to access land more affordably. If you want more information about us, please go to our blog at Storytelling – The adventure goes on ….

In our current environment of unpredictable weather and rising costs of living, we are working towards developing a resilient, sustainable, subsidence homestead. Currently, we generate more than 80% of our own electricity using solar and picohydro systems and grow/forage approximately 60% of our own food. Our young orchard, once it reaches production, will further increase the amount of food we can harvest from the property. Adding small livestock (chickens, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits) would bring our food sustainability close to 100%. We have lived on the property for 10 years, and during the floods, droughts, and COVID pandemic which have devastated British Columbia, we have been amazingly sheltered.

Our main reasons for seeking additional participants in our homesteading endeavor are companionship, development of a small “community” with enhanced self-reliance, safety, and livestock care when we must be away from the property. This is not a job offering or a money-making opportunity. This is a chance for the adventurous-at-heart to engage in an incredible nature-oriented, healthy, and fulfilling lifestyle.

We seek to manage the land for long-term sustainability, based on permaculture principles (see Permaculture Design Project for Port Neville) and other ecologically sound practices. We do not practice unsustainable harvesting of the land, and approximately 80% of the property is being retained as a wildlife habitat.